Looks like the recipe isn't geared to handle new top level domain names. Here is a link to the error details. The URL is correct so I have to assume it was expecting .COM instead of .SOLUTIONS in the top level domain area.
Thank you for reaching out. You may want to check out this post regarding the same error. What it means is that as suspected, QuickBooks is throwing an error back to Workato that the inserted URL is not in a valid format. The current valid format that QuickBooks API accept is http://domainname.com
The error thrown by QuickBooks is Error 2200. You can learn more about QuickBooks errors here.
Hope this helps.
Thank you, Adam Goh Customer Success team Workato
Adam Goh
over 8 years ago
Hi Zain,
Thank you for reaching out. You may want to check out this post regarding the same error. What it means is that as suspected, QuickBooks is throwing an error back to Workato that the inserted URL is not in a valid format. The current valid format that QuickBooks API accept is http://domainname.com
The error thrown by QuickBooks is Error 2200. You can learn more about QuickBooks errors here.
Zain Naboulsi
Malformed website address error
Hi Zain,
Thank you for reaching out. You may want to check out this post regarding the same error. What it means is that as suspected, QuickBooks is throwing an error back to Workato that the inserted URL is not in a valid format. The current valid format that QuickBooks API accept is http://domainname.com
The error thrown by QuickBooks is Error 2200. You can learn more about QuickBooks errors here.
Hope this helps.
Thank you,
Adam Goh
Customer Success team
Adam Goh
Hi Zain,
Thank you for reaching out. You may want to check out this post regarding the same error. What it means is that as suspected, QuickBooks is throwing an error back to Workato that the inserted URL is not in a valid format. The current valid format that QuickBooks API accept is http://domainname.com
The error thrown by QuickBooks is Error 2200. You can learn more about QuickBooks errors here.
Hope this helps.
Thank you,
Adam Goh
Customer Success team