It would be very helpful to be able to query the invoice object using the Freshbooks invoice Id. I am working on a Freshbooks payment to Quickbooks payment recipe.
Quickbooks requires the Quickbooks invoice Id to apply a payment correctly. Freshbooks trigger based on new/updated payment gives me the Freshbooks invoice Id. My goal would be to get the invoice details from Freshbooks using that Id so I can get the invoice number. From there, I would query invoice details in Quickbooks to get the QB invoice Id. I could plug that into my payment and I would be done.
Craig Rosenbaum
Add "Get Invoice by Id" for Freshbooks
It would be very helpful to be able to query the invoice object using the Freshbooks invoice Id. I am working on a Freshbooks payment to Quickbooks payment recipe.
Quickbooks requires the Quickbooks invoice Id to apply a payment correctly. Freshbooks trigger based on new/updated payment gives me the Freshbooks invoice Id. My goal would be to get the invoice details from Freshbooks using that Id so I can get the invoice number. From there, I would query invoice details in Quickbooks to get the QB invoice Id. I could plug that into my payment and I would be done.
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