Hi Arne,
Thank you for reaching out! I am not sure if you have tried Get Attendees from the session under action to get details from the webinar session, it might allow you to sync those information to a CRM system as well. Nonetheless, may I know if you requires such trigger very often?
The get attendees seems to only return the number of attendees, not the attendee details. Also it seems it is aimed to retrieve that information from past events, not upcoming events.
Companies that organize meetings using Gotowebinar would like to create a lead for every subscriber, so the frequency depends on the number of webinars and the number of attendants.
The company I was thinking about in this case has about 4 webinars each month with about 10-30 subscribers. Not all subscribers really attend and this is information one would also like to transfer to the lead info.
Thank you for your reply, that sounds really useful and we will raise this up to the engineering team. While waiting for their update, do you know that you could build a custom adapter using our SDK connectors? Do check out our SDK Documentation: http://developer.workato.com/
Send us a ticket, we will try our best to assist you with your problem
Arne van Balgoijen
GoToWebinar connector: fetch new registrants
When using GotoWebinar one would like to trigger if a new registrant comes in for a scheduled webinar. As an action one would like to use the details (name, email, registration date&time) to be entered in a CRM system (as a lead).