Automatic refresh schema when connections in the recipe changes.
When I changed a recipe connection to Infusionsoft from one app to another it does not refresh the schema and so does not work until you do, even if you copy the recipe from scratch, etc.
When changing the connection on an existing recipe that's been running, or when copying the recipe and then connecting a new app.
It makes sense that this should refresh automatically when you change the connection. It took us a while to work that out.
Perhaps this could be included in the process when reconnecting.
I can't think of a scenario when you wouldn't expect the schema to refresh when connecting a new app or changing the connection to a different app.
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Jeremy Farber
over 7 years ago
Just had to refresh 30 recipes because of a Salesforce field change.
Automatic refresh schema when connections in the recipe changes.
When changing the connection on an existing recipe that's been running, or when copying the recipe and then connecting a new app.
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