Thanks for making this request.
For now, you can simply add a condition around the action that you would like to be skipped and use Workato Properties ( to set whether it should be skipped or not. Add a property called Debug with value equal false.
In your recipe, you can create a condition around the action you would like to be skipped by simply setting the condition to Debug = true. When the recipe is ready to go live, simply change the condition to debug = false and the step will be taken.
Actually, I've been doing what Allan suggested but for complex recipes it becomes really cumbersome to apply "if debug then" logic on every action... Not ideal. It would be cool to have what Rinse is suggesting, a "active/inactive" toggle button (or something like that) for every action. That way the action or block would be inactive but still in the same place (in terms of flow) which would allow for fast and easy debugging.
Food for fought. Not critical but really really useful to have, if possible.
Yes exactly what I've been thinking. Allan solution makes sense, I already though about that but still it's kind of time consuming also to make various changes each time. It would be much better to have the ability to switch off a action.
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Ability to make recipe actions inactive
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