I think what can be done will be to create 3 individual recipes to trigger one at 5 PM, one at 1 AM and one at 9 AM. This can be done via the Scheduler Application with the trigger "New Scheduled Event (Advanced)". I have attached a screenshot for your reference below, it is an example of trigger a recipe at a specific time zone. For example, the United States at 5 PM every day. Give it a shot and let me know.
Thought this was interesting. Could another work around be to set a trigger for every hour, and set up a conditional action such that when the job is created at X, Y, or Z time, then do action? To improve accuracy of the time matching, can consider making use of the formula e.g. beginning_of_hour
Note: .to_time will give date/time in UTC
Add a repeat function to the scheduler.
I happened to revisit this problem again and thought of the following recipe logic that could allow users to "trigger" on any intervals they wished to have. Pretty much emulating Jeremy's suggestion of a repeat function. Basically, the idea is to use a daily Advanced Scheduler to schedule at the first desired time of the day e.g. 5PM, then make use of a repeat action and a conditional wait action to set up 8 hour intervals, to execute the recipe actions again at 1AM, and then 9AM.
Recipe Screenshot Example
Wait Step Formula
this still seems to be a problem three years later... https://support.workato.com/support/discussions/topics/1000096869
Send us a ticket, we will try our best to assist you with your problem
Raghu K
Scheduler: Option for triggering multiple, specific times each day
I wanted to set a trigger which would trigger every 8 hour but it looks like the scheduler doesn't have this option. I wanted the trigget to kick in at 5 PM and 1 aM and 9 AM PST
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