URL is in an array and I can't put this URL in my URL field in Salesforce
I am using the pluck formula to get a URL from my data pill. However, the pluck formula returns an array, which I cannot use as an input into my URL field in Salesforce.
I get the following error: Adapters::Salesforce::Exceptions::JsonParserError
Best Answer
CJ Wee
over 7 years ago
Hi Saul,
You can transform the array into a URL string by adding .to_param formula into your URL field.
So your final URL field input would be <Files>.where(file_type: "pdf").pluck("content_url").to_param
CJ Wee
over 7 years ago
Hi Saul,
You can transform the array into a URL string by adding .to_param formula into your URL field.
So your final URL field input would be <Files>.where(file_type: "pdf").pluck("content_url").to_param
Saul Macht
URL is in an array and I can't put this URL in my URL field in Salesforce
I am using the pluck formula to get a URL from my data pill. However, the pluck formula returns an array, which I cannot use as an input into my URL field in Salesforce.
I get the following error: Adapters::Salesforce::Exceptions::JsonParserError
Hi Saul,
You can transform the array into a URL string by adding .to_param formula into your URL field.
So your final URL field input would be <Files>.where(file_type: "pdf").pluck("content_url").to_param
CJ Wee
Hi Saul,
You can transform the array into a URL string by adding .to_param formula into your URL field.
So your final URL field input would be <Files>.where(file_type: "pdf").pluck("content_url").to_param