Google calendar requires a datetime input. The format might look something like this: 2015-09-15T07:00:00+02:00
So depending on the format of your pills, you're formula could look something like: [Date of Event].to_date(format: "MM/DD/YYYY").to_s+"T"+[Copy of End Time].to_s+":00:00"
In this case it assumes that your date field is in the format MM/DD/YY and your End Time will always be 2 digits (i.e. 7am = 07). If not, play around the the strftime function to get your formatting right. The end result needs to be a string or datetime.
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Scott Talarico
Hour formula using a active field
To work around multiple time zone issues in google I'm using the date of the event plus the hour to make the time consistent no matter the time zone of the calendar. Example - if the event is 2pm the formula would be +14.hours. So it will be at 2pm no matter what time zone the personal calendar is set. My question is can I make the number an active field. So Quikbase will export the number of hours in military time (I will convert the number to numeric). Below is my attempt but it creates an error.