Is it possible to create a list using the "List" utility, and then append to the created list using the "List" utility?
For example, my recipe will receive a list of Object IDs. I want to iterate through the IDs and perform an actiononce for each unique ID. If the list [123, ABC, 123, 123] is received, I only want to perform two actions (once for 123, and once for ABC).
Ideally I would like the recipe to be structured as follows...
1. Receive Object IDs
2. Create a List
3. For each Object ID, do the following
i. If the List does not contain Object ID, do the following
a. Perform action
ii. Add Object ID to list
4. Stop Recipe
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Create and Append to a List
Is it possible to create a list using the "List" utility, and then append to the created list using the "List" utility?
For example, my recipe will receive a list of Object IDs. I want to iterate through the IDs and perform an action once for each unique ID. If the list [123, ABC, 123, 123] is received, I only want to perform two actions (once for 123, and once for ABC).
Ideally I would like the recipe to be structured as follows...
1. Receive Object IDs
2. Create a List
3. For each Object ID, do the following
i. If the List does not contain Object ID, do the following
a. Perform action
ii. Add Object ID to list
4. Stop Recipe