How can I invoke a AWS Lambda function with client context?
Recently, I've been trying to execute invoke an AWS Lambda functions using my Workato account. The invoke action appears to work fine when I am executing it without the client context.
However, when I try to execute the action with the client context field filled in the action keeps throwing a 403 error from AWS.
I've attached included my recipe configuration and the job error message below.
Recipe Configuration
Job Error
Will appreciate any help that can be rendered to solve this issue.
Best Answer
Bryan Yap
almost 7 years ago
Hi Saul, it seems like the client context that you are attempting to pass into AWS Lambda is malformed. You'll need to ensure that the JSON fields in the client context correspond to the fields stated in
The main difference between the client context in my example is that I am basically passing all my custom fields within a custom object, as per what the AWS Lambda API expects.
Bryan Yap
almost 7 years ago
Hi Saul, it seems like the client context that you are attempting to pass into AWS Lambda is malformed. You'll need to ensure that the JSON fields in the client context correspond to the fields stated in
The main difference between the client context in my example is that I am basically passing all my custom fields within a custom object, as per what the AWS Lambda API expects.
Saul Macht
How can I invoke a AWS Lambda function with client context?
Recently, I've been trying to execute invoke an AWS Lambda functions using my Workato account. The invoke action appears to work fine when I am executing it without the client context.
However, when I try to execute the action with the client context field filled in the action keeps throwing a 403 error from AWS.
I've attached included my recipe configuration and the job error message below.
Hi Saul, it seems like the client context that you are attempting to pass into AWS Lambda is malformed. You'll need to ensure that the JSON fields in the client context correspond to the fields stated in
I've created a recipe that you can use as a reference at
The main difference between the client context in my example is that I am basically passing all my custom fields within a custom object, as per what the AWS Lambda API expects.
Bryan Yap
Hi Saul, it seems like the client context that you are attempting to pass into AWS Lambda is malformed. You'll need to ensure that the JSON fields in the client context correspond to the fields stated in
I've created a recipe that you can use as a reference at
The main difference between the client context in my example is that I am basically passing all my custom fields within a custom object, as per what the AWS Lambda API expects.