Hi Saul,
Here is a recipe example that paginates through the full Slack channel history for export as csv: https://www.workato.com/recipes/927221-export-slack-channel-history-as-csv#recipe
This recipe requires the set up of a custom oauth profile for Slack since a custom scope is required to access Slack channel history.
If you need to translate user ids to names, you set up a lookup table that stores the slack user names and ids and use a formula to lookup user name by slack user id (modify recipe step 7).
sets input field as user name if found via lookup by user id, otherwise set as user id (data pill)
Send us a ticket, we will try our best to assist you with your problem
Saul Macht
Slack | Recipe to export slack channel history
Hi, I am looking for a recipe example to export slack channel message history.