Dynamics 365 connector - searching for objects - escape single quotes
The OData filter syntax used for searching for objects in Dynamics 365 requires that single-quotes be escaped. So if a search is being done where an organization name is John's Store, it needs to be passed in as:
name eq 'John''s Store'
It would be helpful if the connector detected single-quotes in the dynamic values and escaped them properly so the recipe didn't have to try and account for it with every value passed in.
Mike Power
Dynamics 365 connector - searching for objects - escape single quotes
The OData filter syntax used for searching for objects in Dynamics 365 requires that single-quotes be escaped. So if a search is being done where an organization name is John's Store, it needs to be passed in as:
name eq 'John''s Store'
It would be helpful if the connector detected single-quotes in the dynamic values and escaped them properly so the recipe didn't have to try and account for it with every value passed in.